Khadari is an upcoming Punjabi-language Musical Comedy movie. The movie is directed by Manav Shah and produced by Paramjit Chally under the banner of GFM & Ravishing Entertainments. Gurnam Bhullar, Surbhi Jyoti and Kartar Cheema in lead roles. Prabh Grewal, Lakhwinder Lakha, Navdeep Kaler and Manjit Singh will also appear in this movie. On February 9, 2024, the film is scheduled for release in theatres.

Release Date9 February 2024
GenreMusical & Comedy
DirectorManav Shah
CastGurnam Bhullar, Surbhi Jyoti and Kartar Cheema, Prabh Grewal, Lakhwinder Lakha, Navdeep Kaler & Manjit Singh
WriterDheeraj Kedarnath Rattan
ProducerParamjit Chally
ProductionGFM & Ravishing Entertainments

Gurnam Bhullar, a Punjabi actor and musician, just posted the first poster for this highly awaited movie ‘Khadari’ on his Instagram profile. ” The movie appears to center on the life of a sportsman and his quest for achievement, based on what little information is currently available. The viewer should expect an intense emotional ride.

Kartar Cheema, on the other hand, makes no secret of his fitness objectives. Aiven Raula Pai Gaya, Darra, Dushman, and Punjab 1984 are just a few of the Punjabi movies in which the actor has appeared. He is ready to entertain the audience with his amazing acting abilities in this film once more.

Surbhi Jyoti, who gained popularity for her parts in Hindi daily soap operas like “Naagin” and “Qubool Hai,” is about to establish herself in Punjabi cinema once more with the film “Khadari.” After starring in the Punjabi movie “Munde Patiala De” in 2012, Surbhi Jyoti has demonstrated her flexibility as an actor. Fans can’t wait to see her in this much awaited movie, and anticipation are skyrocketing since she’s joining the cast.  

Fans are quite delighted to watch Gurnam Bhullar in a whole new persona as an action hero, something they haven’t seen before. They want to know more about his role in the film because they are inquisitive. The performances of Gurnam Bhullar in Nigah Marda Ayi Ve, Surkhi Bindi, Lekh, and Guddiyan Patole were masterworks. While on his current musical tour, he made history in Surrey by winning the top spot in the local fusion festival.

Parinda Paar Geyaa – Gurnam Bhullar