Alia Bhatt’s turned 29 today , the actress took to her Instagram account on her birthday to drop the visuals from Brahmastra in which she will be seen in different avatars .She also shared a glimpse of her look as Isha. These visuals are a birthday gift not only to Alia and but also a present for her fans who are curiously waiting for her glimpse from the said movie. She captioned the visuals by writing ,”Happy birthday to me,” further she wrote ,”can’t think of a better day and a better way for you’ll to meet Isha ..Ayan my wonder boy. I love you. Thank you! #brahmastra.” As Ranbir Kapoor who will be seen in lead role along with Alia Bhatt is not a social media person but the director Ayan Mukerji is as he also posted the clip on ‘gram handle and wrote ,”Happy birthday, Little One. For all the joy, the pride, the inspiration and the magic that you make me feel…here’s something to celebrate you on your special day. Our Isha, the Shakti of Brahmastra, in the first visuals we are releasing from our movie. Love. Light. Fire. Go!”
The film will be presented under the banner of Fox Star Studios, Dharma Productions Pvt. Ltd. , Prime Focus and Starlight Lictures .Producer Karan Johar also shared the video and wrote, “My darling Alia, There is so much love that I feel for you while I write this but also so much respect – respect for your immense talent, your incredible growth as an artist and your ability to be so real through all the beats of your life! 10 years ago I didn’t know that one day I could proudly call you my very own Brahmāstra…my weapon of love and of abundant joy… Happy birthday my darling, shine bright always. Thank you for being YOU and for being the wind beneath the wings of this labour of love. I love you always and forever…”
Brahmastra is a mythology based on a trilogy . The teaser of much awaited movie Brahmastra starts with a glimpse of Alia and Ranbir as Isha and Shiva respectively and then shown in several different avatars . Interestingly, Ranbir and Alia’s romance was started on the sets of Brahmastra as the movie is in the making for several years and now it is slated to release on September 9. The movie also features Amitabh Bachan ,Mouni Roy and Nagarjuna Akkineni.