Ameena is a Hindi-language action, drama and thriller movie. The movie is directed by Kumar Raj and produced by Dharm, Kumar Raj and Vinod Yadav under the banner of Kumar Raj Productions. Starring Rekha Rana, Anant Mahadevan, Utkarsh Kohli and Kumar Raj in prominent roles. The movie will premiere in theatres on 12th April 2024.
Ameena Plot:
This is the true story of Meena, a young, self-reliant girl today, and Ameena, an adolescent from 32 years ago. The main theme of the narrative is how life presents them with comparable circumstances and how they respond to them differently. Protagonist Meena is a contemporary actress who plays the part of Ameena, an innocent adolescent girl, in the play “Yahan Ameena Bikti Hai” at the Prithi theater. The drama is based on the actual tale of Ameena, who, thirty-two years ago, was sold for eighty dollars by her greedy parents. Meena plays a young girl named Ameena, who is shown in the play to have been raped before committing suicide.
Ameena Star Cast:
Bollywood actress Rekha Rana is also a theatrical performer. In 2007, she won the titles of Miss Delhi, Photogenic Face, and Beautiful Smile. She is the brand ambassador for the “Save Our Women” Campaign and the South African non-profit organization Star NGO.
On April 13, 2012, her debut film, Ab Hoga Dharma Unlimited, which is based on Anna Hazare’s Dharna, was released. She earned the Best Actress Award for her performance in the short film Take Care at the Rangs Singapore Film Festival in 2010.
Under the direction of hypothetical producer and director Kumar Raj, a globalized Master Mariner in the Merchant Navy whose vast experience contributes to the entire maturity of the construction of such an exceptional picture. The movie is promises to be remembered because of Rekha Rana, who has won 47 international Best Actress awards.
Meena depicts the fight for justice of a small child who cries and bangs on humanity’s door. She is fighting for those women who have experienced some of the worst nights and chosen to remain silent. Will Meena ever regain her integrity? Will her voice be heard and her tears be dried by the patriarchal society?
Will Meena take her own life, just like Ameena did, or will she rise above the ashes to seek revenge and fight for justice?