Badnaam is an upcoming Punjabi-language drama and romantic movie. The movie is directed by Maneesh Bhatt and produced by Gaurav Bhatia, Dixit Sahni, Ravi Boparai and Jassi Lohka under the banner of Desi Junction Films and Jab Studios. Starring Jayy Randhawa, Jasmine Bhasin, and Mukesh Rishi in prominent roles along with Nirmal Rishi and Vijeesh. The movie is slated to release in theatres on February 28, 2025.

Badnaam Synopsis:

The storyline of Badnaam is shrouded in mystery, offering glimpses of a riveting narrative filled with twists and turns. The film explores themes of betrayal, resilience, and redemption, presenting a layered plot that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats.

The power-packed teasers have left audiences on the edge of their seats, showcasing glimpses of the layered storytelling that “Badnaam” promises to deliver. With sharp dialogues and unexpected twists, the film is set to keep viewers enthralled from start to finish.


Badnaam Star Cast:

Jayy Randhawa takes center stage in Badnaam, delivering a powerhouse performance that cements his reputation as a versatile actor.

Jasmine Bhasin, known for her diverse roles in the entertainment industry. Bhasin brings a sense of elegance and emotional depth to the film, balancing Randhawa’s strength with her grace.

Veteran actors Mukesh Rishi and Nirmal Rishi bring their expertise to the ensemble, elevating the film’s dramatic quotient.

Screenplay and Cinematography:

The screenplay, penned by the talented duo Siddharth-Garima, is crafted to perfection, ensuring an immersive experience for viewers. Niraj Singh, the cinematographer behind the breathtaking visuals, uses his lens to transport audiences into the heart of the story. The music, composed by Avvy Sra, complements the film’s tone and amplifies its emotional and dramatic moments.


The high-octane teaser of Badnaam has already set social media abuzz, hinting at a bold and groundbreaking narrative. Badnaam is not just a movie; it’s an experience that promises to stay with you long after the credits roll. With its February 28, 2025 release date, the countdown to witness this masterpiece has begun.