Illti is an upcoming Punjabi-language comedy and drama movie. The movie is directed by Varinder Ramgarhia and produced by KV Dhillon and Jagjeet Sandhu under the banner of Geet MP3 and Jagjit Sandhu Films. The movie stars Jagjeet Sandhu in the lead role along side Tania, Anita Devgan, Dheeraj Kumar, Ronak Joshi and Raghubir Boli. The movie will be release in theaters on 14 February 2025 on the occasion of Valentine’s Day.
iLLti Synopsis:
As the poster suggests, this movie is based on the life of Adi Manav. Perhaps this film shows how man has evolved slowly from ape to perfection. Along with this, all the characters of the film will also be seen cracking comedy. Jagjeet Sandhu’s comic characters have consistently entertained the fans. Tania is an Indian actress known for her work in Punjabi cinema also share the screen with Jagjeet Sandhu.
Illti Star Cast:
Illti star Jagjeet Sandhu has revealed his upcoming movie, which will be released in 2025. The poster depicts Jagjeet in a very hilarious avatar that tribal people wore during and around the Stone Age. . Dheeraj Kumar is an Indian film actor who rose to fame through his roles in Punjabi films such as Rupinder Gandhi: The Gangster and Qissa Panjab. He is also starring in the movie.
The makers have also released the movie’s first look poster with the caption, “ਇੱਲਤੀ” ਨਹੀਂ ਮਹਾਂ-ਇੱਲਤੀ is coming..14 Feb 2025
Under the auspices of “Geet MP3” and “Jagjit Sandhu Films,” the movie is presented and produced by KV Dhillon and Jagjit Sandhu. Virender Ramgarhia, who is making his debut as the director of the movie. The movie is handled by Sukh Kamboj and written by renowned and talented Bollywood writer Gurpreet Bhullar.
The poster depicts the identical transformation of monkeys to people that you studied, with the exception of Jagjeet Sandhu. The illustration of a human has been changed into Jagjeet’s figure in this next film, and it will be intriguing to see what the creators have in store for us with this unique-looking film.