After winning the Miss World crown in 2017, Manushi Chillar became a global sensation , to following which she is all set to make her debut under the topmost banner of hindi Industry Yash Raj studios. She is seen will be ‘Prithaviraj’ in lead role opposite to Akshay Kumar. And now she is thrilled as the film is releasing week earlier than the originally planned date. For the same, previously film was said to release on 10 june but now it was pushed a week prior. It will now hit the theatres on 3 June,2022 .The said film will release in Tamil and Telugu in Imax. What is more , she has already signed three movies with them; Prithviraj, The Great Indian Family and the another one’s title is yet to be announced but this is confirmed that she wiil be seen sharing the screen with Ajay Devgan in her third movie.
Manushi expressed her happiness by saying that ,”I was really happy when I heard that the film was getting preponed. It’s been quite the wait for the entire team of the film and when you hear that the movie is coming earlier than usual, you do feel a sense of joy because all of us have been waiting for the moment when the incredible life story of Samrat Prithviraj will be unveiled on the big screen.” She further added that, “It is a big screen spectacle and I’m counting down days for its release. The film was postponed twice due to the pandemic. I wish the film entertains every movie lover of the country with its bigness.”
Talking about the movie, it’s a period drama based on the life of legendary warrior Samrat Prithviraj. Akshay Kumar will be seen portraying the role of fearless and mighty King Prithaviraj. Manushi will essay the role of Samrat’s beloved princess Sanyogita.