Pind Aala School is an upcoming Punjabi comedy-drama movie. The movie is directed by Fateh and produced by Tejinder Singh, Parwinder Singh Saini and Baljinder Singh under the banner of HF Production and Vanjaray Beasts. Starring Punjabi singer Preet Harpal and Harsimran Oberoi in lead roles along with Nirmal Rishi, Malkit Rauni, Sanju Solanki and child artists Noor and Guri. The movie is slated for release in theatres on 03 May 2024.

Pind Aala School Plot:

“PIND AALA SCHOOL” is a comedy-drama that tells the story of a lovely childhood’s early school years and has a social message. In order to show how modern parents, select private schools over local government schools for their kids, the movie will take us on an emotional and humorous roller coaster of events. The narrative will provide viewers the right viewpoint to see the rural schools as beneficial influences on their children rather than as low-status ones.

Pind Aala School

Pind Aala School Cast:

Preet Harpal shared the movie’s poster and penned the caption:

Lao ji apni navin film shuru hon ja rahi sheti. Baba bhali kre🙏🙏❤️

Regarding Preet Harpal’s cinematic career, he debuted as an actor in “Sir Phire” (2012). Don’t Wary Yaaran (2013), Nakhre Da Google (2014), Myself Pandu (2015), and the 2019 release “Lukkan Michhi” are some of his other motion pictures.

Preet Harpal’s song ‘Teri Jatti’ was just released. The song was positively welcomed by fans, with over 1.3 million views so far.


Taj, a writer known for his remarkable work in movies, television, Lover, and Chaupal‘s original- Dustbin, wrote both the plot and the script. This film project was created and will be carried out under the direction of Angadpreet Singh. Tejinder Singh, Parwinder Singh Saini, and Baljinder Singh produced the song through HF Production in collaboration with AR Beatz and YT Production. Jujhaar Singh and Sanjeev Kumar Verma co-produced this movie.


Through the screenplay, the movie highlights a crucial topic about the future of children and village schools while also taking aim at a noteworthy growth for Punjabi movies. Following his successful career as a singer in the Punjabi film business, Preet Harpal is set to take the audience by surprise with his new movie, “Pind Aala School.” 

Punjabi Artist Bio

Parahuna 2 – Ranjit Bawa & Aditi Sharma