Razakar – Silent Genocide of Hyderabad is an upcoming Telugu-language movie. The movie is directed by Yata Satyanarayana and produced by BJP leader Gudur Narayana Reddy under the banner of SamarVeer Creations. Starring Raj Arjun, Bobby Simha, Anasuya Bharadwaj, Tej Sapru, Makarand Deshpande and Vedhika as lead characters. The movie will be release in five languages Telugu and Hindi including Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam. The movie is slated for release on March 15, 2024.
Razakar Synopsis:
A story of the people who rebelled in Hyderabad state before September 17, 1948, against the Nizam’s harsh reign and the Razakars’ chaos. The 1948 Hyderabad Liberation Movement is central to the narrative of the movie. Horrors such as the incidents in the villages of Gundrampally, Parkala and Bhairanpally will be portrayed in the movie.
The movie seeks to portray the alleged crimes against the Hindu populace that the Razakars are accused of doing during this volatile time of conflict and the fight for the incorporation of Hyderabad State into India.
Razakar Cast:
Raj Arjun is an Indian actor who works primarily in Hindi films. He has also appeared in Tamil, Malayalam, and Telugu movies. He has won Zee Cine Awards for Best Actor in a Negative Role and the Indian Television Academy Awards for Best Actor.
Notably, the movie is produced by BJP politician Gudur Narayana Reddy, who wished to have it released in time for the Telangana Assembly elections, when the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) governed the state government. Working president of the BRS KT Rama Rao (KTR) had stated in September 2023 that the state government will halt the film’s release and bring up the matter with the censor board.
Written and directed by Yata Satyanarayana. Cinematography by Kushendar Ramesh Reddy.
The film promises to chronicle the narrative of the eponymous Muslim paramilitary group, the Razakars, as well as an account of their cruelty against Hindus in the former Hyderabad state. The film, set against the backdrop of Hyderabad’s accession to the Union of India, describes Operation Polo, the role of former Deputy Prime Minister Vallabhai Patel, and Hyderabad’s last Nizam Osman Ali Khan’s attempts to retain his position as an independent ruler.