“Bholaa” is an Indian Hindi- language action-thriller movie. It is a remake of the Tamil movie “Kaithi (2019) which was directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. The plot revolves around a notorious gangster Bholaa in Uttar Pradesh, who falls in love with a doctor named Swara. The main lead role plays by Ajay Devgan as Bholaa & Tabu as police Inspector Diana Joseph. Bholaa is released from a jail after serving a 10 years. He wants to reunited with his daughter, Jyoti who lives in an orphanage. But a police officer Diana destroy his plans. She helps Bholaa to drive the truck to the police station. Bholaa helps her in a high-pressure situation that involves the drug mafia.Bholaa gives up his gangster life and gets married with Swara. Swara gives birth to there daughter. After some time a ruthless gangster Chomu killed Swara. Unfortunately some circumstances are happened. After 10 years of imprisonment, Bholaa is finally going home to meet his young daughter, Joyti.
Over all the movie has high – octane drama with a lot of twists and turns. The entire film takes place in one night where the gang keeps attacking the truck which is drive by Ajay Devgan. The story of this movie is really miserable. All the character played their roles very well. The on- screen chemistry of Ajay Devgan and Tabu is an excellence. They make their scenes more engaging and memorable. Ajay Devgan gives the best efforts to make the movie blockbuster. The action sequences in the film is too good, full action- packed and the scenes has been mind- blowing.