“Nigah Marde Ayi Ve” is a Punjabi movie featuring Gurnam Bhullar and Sargun Mehta. The movie was released on 17 March 2023. It is a romantic comedy movie taking inspiration from the tragic love portrayed in William Shakespear’s Romeo and Juliet. It is the third time Gurnam Bhullar and Sargun Mehta both are again collaborating.
The story of the movie is penned and directed by Rupinder Inderjit. Gurnam Bhullar plays a lead role as Harman, who migrated from Bathinda to London in the illegal way. Whereas Sargun Mehta plays a chirpy girl Scarlett. The plot depicts the journey of an adventurous road trip and how they meet and fall in love with each other. They both have facing heartbreak situations and some twists and turns are happen.
Harman lives in London and finds a UK resident to get married who secures his permanent residency. He wanted to marry Meesha. But she decides to get married to Rajvant (Adi Chugh), where Scarlett who is in love with Rajvant and wants to marry him and destroy his wedding. Harman decided to kidnap Meesha but by mistake he kidnaps Scarlett. Thus, Harman and Scarlett find unwilling partners on a road trip.
The music and dialogues are beautifully portrayed. The title of this movie is recreating the song “Laung Gawacha”. “Mallo Malli”, “Rog Mera Yaar” both are melodious romantic songs sung by Gurnam Bhullar.
Overall, they both are playing romantic and platonic roles. Gurnam and Sargun both have good chemistry on screen. The movie
has been amazing and entertaining. The cinematography is stunning.