Welcome Wedding is an upcoming Hindi comedy and drama movie. The movie is directed by Aanand Raut and produced by Vikas C Naik and Chandeshwar H Prasad under the banner of Vikas Prasad Film’s and Saakshat Entertainments. Featuring Rajpal Yadav, Rakhi Sawant, Darshan Jariwala and Farida Dadi in prominent roles alongside Komal Jha, Raju Kher and Arun Bakshi. The movie is scheduled to premiere in theaters on 29 March 2024.
Welcome Wedding Plot:
It is a humorous family movie with a lighthearted surreal comedy that aims to draw large crowds. The plot revolves around a wager between a father and son, whereby the kid claims he would earn 100 cr in 90 days, provided his father agrees to follow his every word without question. The son eventually wins the wager, but the high point of the finale is what he did to get there. This bet then results in a number of amusing scenarios, turns and twists.
Welcome Wedding Cast:
Rakhi Sawant, the item girl and drama queen of Bollywood, is inviting all to her wedding night. It should come as no surprise that this topic is quite cinematic. Rakhi Sawant, who makes audacious claims frequently, will now appear in the movie “Welcome Wedding” as Rakhi Sawant. Yes, this is the first occasion in which she will be viewed as Rakhi Sawant rather than a character. This movie promises to be twice as enjoyable.
Welcome Wedding, a Hindi film directed by Aanand Raut, is presented by vikas prasad films and saakshat entertainment. Ramkumar Pal is the presenter, and Vikas C. Naik and Chandeshwar H. Prasad are the producers. Aanand Raut Productions is the co-producer. Ultra Music features music created by Raaj Ashoo. Lamplex Digital Theatrical Distribution is in charge of distributing the movie.
As soon as the movie is out, its trailer and songs become popular. Rakhi Sawant’s spicy drama is entertaining millions of people. With millions of views, the teaser, trailer, and songs that Ultra Music posted are generating a lot of talk.