On Monday, April 22, Google Doodle celebrated World Earth Day 2024 by showcasing aerial photos taken from different parts of the globe that showcased the planet’s “natural beauty”. The Doodle acted as a reminder of the continuous work that individuals, groups, and governments are doing to protect the biodiversity and resources of the planet.

World Earth Day 2024:

It was initially observed on US college campuses in 1970, months after a huge oil spill in Santa Barbara. Since then, the campaign has mobilised over a billion people in 192 nations. The annual occasion will be observed on Monday with the worldwide theme ‘Planet vs. Plastics’.

World Earth Day 2024

The Paris Agreement, widely regarded as the most important contract to be signed in the history of the environmental and climate movement, was set to be signed on April 22, 2016, by the United Nations. On April 22 of that year, world leaders from 196 countries convened to ratify a legally binding agreement to combat climate change. The Accord requires countries to attempt to keep global warming to 1.5°C, and it mandates that greenhouse gas emissions peak by 2025 at the latest and fall by 43% by 2030.

About World Earth Day:

An annual global event known as Earth Day is devoted to promoting “protection of the environment.” Held on April 22 every year, it serves as a reminder of the need of conservation efforts and sustainable practices to maintain a healthier world and a brighter future.

This observance inspires people all across the world to take action to protect the environment, building a better connection with the natural world and inspiring good change.

The planet vs. plastics theme for World Earth Day 2024 aims to draw attention to the serious problem of plastic pollution and its harmful consequences on the ecosystem.

In order to protect the environment, EARTHDAY.ORG, in honor of Earth Day 2024, advocates for a 60% decrease in plastic manufacturing globally by 2040.