Zindagi Zindabaad is an upcoming Punjabi movie. The movie is directed by Prem Singh Sidhu and Nasir Zaman and produced by Ritik Bansal, Ashok Yadav, Mandeep Singh Manna and Gaurav Mittal. Mandy Takhar, Sardar Sohi, Ninja and Sukhdeep Sukh play the main roles in the film. Yaad Grewal, Rajiv Thakur, Samuel John, Anita Meet, and Vadda Grewal are among the other well-known performers who were cast for Zindagi Zindabaad. Kuknoos Films Pvt Ltd, Yadu Productions, and Million Brothers Motion Pictures are the companies producing the movie.
Release Date | 27 October 2023 |
Language | Punjabi |
Genre | Action, Drama |
Star Cast | Ninja, Mandy Takhar, Sardar Sohi, Vadda Grewal, Sukhdeep Sukh, Yaad Grewal, Rajiv Thakur, Samuel John and Anita Meet |
Director | Prem Singh Sidhu and Nasir Zaman |
Writer | Minto Gurusaria |
Producer | Ritik Bansal, Ashok Yadav, Mandeep Singh Manna and Gaurav Mittal |
Productions | Kuknoos Films Pvt Ltd, Yadu Productions, and Million Brothers Motion Pictures |
Ninja plays the character of Minto Gurusaria in the film. Mandy Takhar, a well-known actress, will play the wife of Mintu in the film. Ninja posted some photos of him and the movie’s lead actress, Mandy Takhar, a few days ago. He just posted a picture of himself. The current photo also features his on-screen group in the background.
Ninja will be playing a dark-shaded role in the movie, as the most recent image makes evident. In addition, it indicates that Ninja, the movie’s protagonist, is a powerful figure who will portray a range of emotions on screen.
The film, which is based on actual events will hit theaters on 27 October 2023. It draws inspiration from Mintu Gurusaria’s autobiography. The plot of Zindagi Zindabaad will center on the journey of young people who develop drug addictions, the causes of their entanglement in this cycle, their existence as addicts and other related issues, and finally their transition from that life back to regular lives. This narrative will serve as motivation for each lesson. The characters from the world of drugs and crime will also be included in this film.
Along with the four other members of his group, Mahaveer, Raja, Jagga Boxer, and Shinda, who were all raised in Malout, Mintu Gurusaria, who is now regarded as a symbol of breaking the cycle of drug abuse in the state of Punjab, gives us an insight into their various real-life incidents during the height of their drug use. The movie depicts the addicts’ mental states and how they ignore all other important life lessons in favor of their addictions. A person of this fettle drives into the zone they have made for themselves, shattering love, family, and society.
The movie will demonstrate that defeat exists in its truest form. The plot of this narrative revolves around each character rather than having a core figure. It shows us all that with a strong will and genuine, unwavering support, anyone can rise above even the darkest pits.
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